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2007-07-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: i need to know its a sayfy thing if im fighting with you against some one i need to no where to cover
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *shakes my head* dont worry about us...we were trained to be warriors...as luna has told you.
2007-07-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: i know but cant be over protected
2007-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: *paces impatiently then lays down & morphs to wolf curling up in a ball*
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *walks to luna and curls around her* you ok?
2007-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up at you* Just looking for a way to release anger with out self harm or harming of others...
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *looks over at a large dead tree* strike that...
2007-07-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *appears beside* lyon i need help
2007-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: *looks at the tree for a moment then strikes & watches it fall* See my point ?
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *looks at argon* with what?
2007-07-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *pulls out the MASTERS SWORD
this i need to learn to use it and you 2 or the only ones to have seen it before
2007-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up at argon* I know how to use...Not sure lyon will since it's jargon's sword he showed me before he helped me escape from the camp...
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *looks to luna*
2007-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: *looks towards the woods & growls*
2007-07-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: ohhh ok
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *ears perk* what's up?
2007-07-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *turns and MASTER SWORD glows red and buzzes
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *shakes my head and looks at argon* heart, not anger
2007-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up at lyon* Someone's to close to the den...*growls, runs towards the den*
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *nods and folllows luna as my wings shift to blades*
2007-07-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *breaths and thinks of his loved ones lyon the one who saved me luna the one how risked it all to help alice how loved the beuty and the beast, the sword turns pink then blue*
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *nods back to argon as i run*
2007-07-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: where are you going?
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: den...*fies and catches up with luna*
2007-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: To the den...I'll be back in a few...
2007-07-22 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: oww ok
2007-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: *runs back, wipes my sword clean* Sorry about the long wait...
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *walks back slowly and lays down under a tree*
2007-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: *digs my claws into the ground beneath me*
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *growls softly to luna* whats up?
2007-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: *growls back at lyon & mumbles* Scyman...
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *nuzzles luna and stands beside her*
2007-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: *relaxes & releases my grip on the ground beneath me*
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *licks your ear softly*
2007-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: *growls lightly & turns*
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: luna....*nips on to your scruff*
2007-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: *growls, turns throwing you off & watching you land in the lake* What ?
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *swims to the surface, shakes off, then walks away*
2007-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: I'm sorry...*sighs
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *walks up to the hilltop and sits down*
2007-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: *looks back then continues running*
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *sighs and extends my wings, flying into the forest*
2007-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: *runs faster*
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *flies through the trees quickly*
2007-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: *hides in an abandoned cave far away & lets the tears fall*
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *lands in front of the cave and enters slowly, wrapping my arms around you*
2007-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: *hugs my knees, watches the tears fall*
2007-07-22 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *holds you close to me* im sorry...*sighs and hugs you tightly*
2007-07-23 [Luna Armonial]: *hugs back* I'll be fine, i just had my anger locked away to long, i didn't want to but i didn't have a choice...I needed to lock it away to do what i had to...*walks out of the den & falls to my knees letting out a howl* I need help v.v
2007-07-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *sits next to you* help with what?
2007-07-23 [Luna Armonial]: If i can't control that half of me i'll wipe out half a villige if not more, i can't do that...
2007-07-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: you need to release it more often...
2007-07-23 [Luna Armonial]: It's complicated to do that...
2007-07-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: why do you say that?
2007-07-23 [Luna Armonial]: Cause i can't control her nor do i want to try...
2007-07-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: you know im stronger then you, and i can take one of your punches...
2007-07-23 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up at you & shakes my head* Um no...
2007-07-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *touches your cheek* its ok love...really.
2007-07-23 [Luna Armonial]: *lays down, relaxes* I'll think about it cause i'll need all the help i can get...
2007-07-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *touches your cheek* dont worry so much about hurting me
2007-07-23 [Luna Armonial]: *nods, flips up to my feet & dances around the room thinking to self* Concentrate, challenge, completely, succeed...
2007-07-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *crouches and watches you*
2007-07-23 [Luna Armonial]: *breaths deeply & lets alya out as i turn, grab my swords dancing in perfect motion still mumbling to myself* I'm under control, i have no fear, i'm not on my own...
2007-07-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *stands up and smiles*
2007-07-23 [Luna Armonial]: *spars with my shadow, keeps thinking to myself & staying focused*
2007-07-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *watches you, staying still*
2007-07-23 [Luna Armonial]: *dances around you then focuses more, channels my emotions into movements*
2007-07-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *pulls my sword out of the ground and trails it along the ground in spirals and jerks sidesways then looks up at you* follow the line and dance
2007-07-23 [Luna Armonial]: *closes my eyes & dances along the line, moving my hands in motion with the swords*
2007-07-23 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *smiles and trails the sword, forming the line into a large loop*
2007-07-23 [Luna Armonial]: *concentrates, keeps up with the foot steps*
2007-08-02 [bronze dragon]: hello lyon would thought wish to speck to me?
2007-08-02 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *shakes head* i have no pressing issues with you as of right now...
2007-08-02 [bronze dragon]: *nods* ok if you need contact me asap
2007-08-02 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *looks at you* hmmm....you sound as if you yourself have something on your mind...
2007-08-02 [bronze dragon]: I do but it came to me this morning and it was a urge you talk to you
2007-08-02 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *sits down* well, i am here...what is on your mind so heavily?
2007-08-02 [bronze dragon]: I don't know what it is but there is something on your mind and I would like to know what it is because that may be what we are supposed to talk about
2007-08-02 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *shakes head* hmm....try not to be such a big flirt...i've been noticing that for awhile now with you and the girls, i must say, it gets slightly irritating at times, because who are you going with? you know, you really should choose one. i know, i know, i may seem like a big flirt sometimes, but most of what i do is taken as a flirt when in all actuallity, it is not meant in that way.
2007-08-02 [bronze dragon]: ok I know I am a big flirt but I don't always mean it the way it may seam
2007-08-02 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: ok...lets go like this....who are you with?
2007-08-02 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *drums fingers while waiting*
2007-08-02 [bronze dragon]: me and kiki are together
2007-08-02 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: well then, you really shouldnt be flirting with the other girls out of respect for her then, huh?
2007-08-02 [bronze dragon]: its not flirting its just making them happy
2007-08-02 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: trust me, from a chick's perspective, it is...and if those girls are paired already, it can get their mate slighty irate.
2007-08-02 [bronze dragon]: I am sorry lyon for how I act tword luna
2007-08-02 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *shrugs* its not just about luna though...you tend to get a little bit too close to alot of people, i mean...you know joe likes alice, right?
2007-08-02 [bronze dragon]: I do and alice likes joe don't understand why they are not together
2007-08-02 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: well, it looked to me as if you were trying to squeeze in and be a thrid wheel...
2007-08-02 [bronze dragon]: no I wasn't I know they like echother and I told him to ask her out don't know why he didn't thought
2007-08-02 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *nods* well, im just saying what it looks like.
2007-08-02 [bronze dragon]: sorry my objetive is not always as it appears
2007-08-02 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: i know....oh, one more thing...no more giving luna backrubs...she gets up and walks off for a reason.
2007-08-02 [bronze dragon]: ok sorry
2007-08-02 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *shakes head* dont apologize....j
2007-08-02 [bronze dragon]: ok
2007-08-02 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *nods* well, that is all i wished to speak with you about...rememb
2007-08-02 [bronze dragon]: I know
2007-08-02 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *nods and stands up* well, i believe that is all i wished to speak with you about...if there be any more, i will be sure to let you know.
2007-08-02 [bronze dragon]: ok *nods back to you*
2007-08-02 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: just remember what we talked aout matt...*walks off*
2007-08-03 [Luna Armonial]: *sits at the waters edge, stares at the reflection*
2007-08-03 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *walks quietly along the woodline*
2007-08-03 [Luna Armonial]: *ears perk up turning around, watching in silence*
2007-08-03 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *bows my head and sits next to you* i really am sorry love...
2007-08-03 [Luna Armonial]: *wraps my arms around you tightly* It's ok...But please make everything stop spinning...*cl
2007-08-03 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *nuzzles you* keep your eyes open love...*hums softly*
2007-08-03 [Luna Armonial]: *opens my eyes, wraps my arms around you listening closely*
2007-08-03 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *holds you close to me and continues humming*
2007-08-03 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up at you*
2007-08-03 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *kisses you softly*
2007-08-03 [Luna Armonial]: *smiles & nuzzles*
2007-08-03 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *nuzzles back* i love you
2007-08-03 [Luna Armonial]: *smiles* I love you too...
2007-08-20 [Luna Armonial]: *walks back in & shakes out my fur looking around for a moment then closing my eyes, listening closely*
2007-11-28 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *steps inside* been awail since i was last in here
2007-11-28 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up at you* True...Welcome back
2007-11-29 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: thank you
2007-11-29 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *walks in and sits down*
2007-11-29 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *drinks coffee from a cup* want some
2007-11-29 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *shakes my head* no thanks...
2007-11-29 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: suit yourself
2007-11-29 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *smiles and stretches out* so how goes all?
2007-11-29 [Luna Armonial]: *yawns, stretches then relaxes*
2007-11-30 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: it goes i guess
(out of charecter)
i broke up with my girlfreird of 2 months , because shes sweet funny, nice .... nothing like me and i didnt want to hurt her in the long run so i broke up with her i went emo for 2 minutes and now one freind hates me, some dont tralk to me and i have to be dr. phil for others (OMG tell people to get a fucking life god) but im holding up on 4 hours of sleep for the last 3 days and lots of caffiene and many more ....substances like....SUGAR WEEEEEEEEEE sorry little hyper.... ...(depressed+hype
2007-12-01 [Luna Armonial]: *shakes head, walks off into darkness & searches*
2007-12-04 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: what ?????? i was honest come on please luna and lyon of allthe poeple i know i value your input the most here any time email me
subject: luna or lyon
please i value your inpute the most please
2007-12-05 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up at you* If you value my input that much turn in your brother's sorry arse, get a better life, & seek some help for your depression...*
2007-12-07 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: (is dead in den 4)
2007-12-07 [Luna Armonial]: Thanks for the info...*yawns, curls up to take a nap*
2008-07-08 [The Incredible Bulk]: *Walks in and sits down quietly nwith my drawing book*
2008-07-09 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: my input...your a freakin idiot. if the girl was willing to stick with you through this long, why cut it off with her? one of the best things about a relationship is having someone to lean on when you feel as if you might fall on your own...i learned that one the hard way. you dont go into a serious relationship only wanting to be with the person during the high times, but to help them when they are down and out...women know this, men need to learn it. your gf is there to support you in your darkest time, and if she doesnt, then its not meant to be. the point im getting at is just because your having a hard time, that DOESNT mean you push away the person you care about, you lean on them and confid in them. that is what truely builds a relationship.
2008-07-09 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: .....wow ...i dont even know what to say just ..wow thank you ...so much
2008-07-10 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: sorry it was so delayed...you know i havent been on ep in ages. im just sharing a bit of what i learned, so you wont have to learn it the hard away again.
2008-07-12 [Luna Armonial]: Yeah but men doesn't have an A in it Lyon.*snickers
2008-07-13 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: gee...i didnty know i was being graded on spelling today hun....*shrugs and jumps up into the tree*
2008-07-14 [Blood Wolf]: *Smiles and bows head in greeting* Hey
2008-07-14 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *gives a nod while leaning against the tree's trunk*
2008-07-15 [Blood Wolf]: *Smiles and looks over* Hey Luna
2008-07-15 [bronze dragon]: *sits on a tree*
2008-07-17 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up at Lyon then looks over & tilts my head* Forgive me [Blood Wolf] but i've seem to of forgotten your name.*climbs up the tree after Lyon & ruffles his hair* Just had to pick on you a bit, you know how i am already :P
2008-07-18 [bronze dragon]: *smiles siting in the tree*
2008-07-19 [Luna Armonial]: *leans back against a tree, relaxes slightly tired & irritated*
2008-07-21 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *laughs and shakes my head, looking at luna* you remember kamuroh, dont you?
2008-07-21 [Blood Wolf]: *Smiles gently, and teases slightly* Forgotten me so quickly Luna? *Laughs softly*
2008-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up, shrugs slightly* My bad ? Sorry been away from ep for quiet awhile don't really pay attention anymore, thanks for the reminder Lyon.I thought you stood with Pack Draco Atrum ? *sits up & relaxes*
2008-07-22 [bronze dragon]: *remains in my tree listening and watching*
2008-07-22 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up at Matt with a yawn then shakes out my fur*
2008-07-23 [Blood Wolf]: *Nods slightly and smiles* I do, but doesn't hurt to visit, does it?
2008-07-23 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: OF COURSE IT DOES IT TEARS OPEN LONG FORGOTEN SKARS it ruins lives when people just ..show back, up it it fucks everyone up......
*walks to the basement of den 4 to fuck him self up on the punching bag
2008-07-24 [Luna Armonial]: *shakes my head, looks up at Kamuroh* No it doesn't hurt to visit, Argon calm your arse down before i throw you in that pound over there.*scoffs slightly, stretches then stands up & paces around*
2008-07-25 [Blood Wolf]: *Arches an eyebrow and stares at Argon, watching him walk off* Woooow....now that's a special case....*Laugh
2008-07-25 [bronze dragon]: *drps out of the tree* hello all.
2008-07-25 [Luna Armonial]: *smiles, looks up at Matt then sits down* Hello Matt...*looks back over at Kamuroh* I'm pretty good & yourself ?
2008-07-26 [bronze dragon]: how are you feeling luna?
2008-07-26 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *pokes my head through the ceiling of the basement and thumps argon on the head* be nice to the visitors man...*slips back through the ceiling*
2008-07-26 [bronze dragon]: *relaxes*
2008-07-26 [Luna Armonial]: *looks at Matt* Sick to my stomach at the moment but i'm still breathing so i'm good.*shakes my head at Lyon* Wasn't meant towards her i don't think but hey if you get Vampirain to surface your on your own.
2008-07-26 [bronze dragon]: I hope you feel better luna.
2008-07-26 [Luna Armonial]: *shrugs* I'm alive that's all that counts right ?
2008-07-26 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *shrugs and wraps my wings around myself*
2008-07-26 [Luna Armonial]: *throws a pillow at Lyon* Gee thanks!
2008-07-26 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *glares at luna as the pillow stops* if vamp shows up, ill deal with it.
2008-07-26 [Luna Armonial]: *shrugs* Sorry miss took the comment.*turns around, walks off*
2008-07-27 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *sighs and looks up at the skies*
2008-07-27 [Luna Armonial]: *sits in darkness, holds my head closing my eyes*
2008-07-28 [bronze dragon]: *looks around* I will be in my den
2008-07-28 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up & over at Matt* You alright ?
2008-07-28 [bronze dragon]: no
2008-07-30 [Luna Armonial]: What's wrong ?
2008-07-31 [bronze dragon]: not feeling to well
2008-07-31 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: im sorry bout that why whats wrong body or heart?
2008-07-31 [bronze dragon]: body hearts just fine right now.
2008-07-31 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: whats wrong with your body friend?
2008-07-31 [bronze dragon]: just think I am getting sick then again I have a horrid head problem.
2008-07-31 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: yea i know your psychotic we all are
2008-07-31 [bronze dragon]: its the headachs not my crazy ness
2008-07-31 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: ahhh ok just checking
2008-07-31 [bronze dragon]: *smiles*
2008-07-31 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: see i made you smileeee
2008-07-31 [bronze dragon]: yea thats not to hard to do
2008-07-31 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: ahhhh
2008-07-31 [bronze dragon]: *sits in the dark closing my eyes*
2008-07-31 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: need a hug
2008-07-31 [bronze dragon]: would prefer a woman hug *smiles* I am sure you understand.
2008-07-31 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: i totaly understand
2008-07-31 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *walks in and climbs up a tree*
2008-08-01 [Luna Armonial]: *walks in, sits under the tree Lyon is in* Well that was a bit awkward yet funny.So how's everyone ?
2008-08-01 [bronze dragon]: not to good.
2008-08-01 [Luna Armonial]: Sorry to hear that Matt.
2008-08-03 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: same hear
2008-08-03 [Luna Armonial]: *pokes at Argon's side*
2008-08-03 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: what????
2008-08-03 [Luna Armonial]: I don't know, it's a little thing called boredom.
2008-08-03 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: ohhhh ok *pokes you back
2009-12-17 [The Incredible Bulk]: *Walks by silently, sitting Down Near to lyonn, cradeling my knees and placing a hand on my stomach, looking up at him with face of defeat once again* It wasn't.. there but i miss it..
2009-12-19 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *wraps an arm around you* remember what i told you alice..
2014-04-13 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: *time passes, dawn raises over the mountains peircing the beauty of the stained glasses. The sun has just began trailing onto the sand and dirt outside as a pair of boots walks its way up to the doors of the temple*
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